September 24, 2024

Pack Up. Pitch In.: How MSU’s Move-In Diversion Program is Boosting Sustainability

For 28 years, Michigan State University’s (MSU) Pack Up. Pitch In. program has been a cornerstone of the university’s sustainability efforts. Focused on repurposing materials and reducing landfill waste, the program supports the MSU Surplus Store and Recycling Center (SSRC) while playing a crucial role in MSU’s environmental goals. Data from the past three years shows significant improvements in waste diversion during the move-in period.

Three-Year Data Comparison 

Data from the move-in periods over the past three years highlights MSU’s progress:

  • 2022-23 (Aug. 20-26): Total waste collected was 164,090 units (Cardboard: 78,040; Trash: 86,050)
  • 2023-24 (Aug. 19-25): Total waste collected was 183,319 units (Cardboard: 78,002; Trash: 105,316) 
  • 2024-25 (Aug. 17-23): Total waste collected was 184,927 units (Cardboard: 116,049; Trash: 69,178)

A key highlight of 2024-25 is that for the first time in three years, more cardboard than trash was collected during move-in. Cardboard collection reached 116,049 units, increasing 48.7% the previous year, while trash collected decreased 34.3%.

Key Contributors to Success

The program’s success is largely due to the contributions of MSU’s Student Life and Engagement (SLE), which is responsible for 55% of all campus waste. Their efforts, along with the SSRC, have played a significant role in improving the university’s overall diversion rate.

This year, MSU reported a campus-wide diversion rate of 44%, meaning 44% of all campus waste was kept out of landfills. The collection of more cardboard than trash is a testament to the university’s dedication to recycling and waste management, significantly reducing the environmental impact of the move-in period. Additionally, the program’s local and sustainable practices are supported with 95% of recycling bales processed within Michigan and all recycling kept within the Eastern US.

MSU’s Pack Up Pitch In. diversion program continues to demonstrate the university’s leadership in sustainability. With improvements in waste diversion rates each year, including flipping the balance of materials collected in 2024, and the emphasis on local recycling practices, the program is setting an example for how institutions can make a meaningful environmental impact.

For more details on the Pack Up. Pitch In. program and other sustainability initiatives from SLE at MSU, please visit the SLE Sustainability website.


Author: Hanah Khan, student communications assistant

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