August 01, 2024

A Division in Motion: SLE Keeps the Gears of MSU Turning Throughout the Summer Months

While students are busy taking a well-deserved break soaking up the summer sun, Division of Student Life & Engagement (SLE) team members have been busy working on exciting improvements and initiatives to make the upcoming academic year one of the best yet. From enhanced dining experiences and state-of-the-art recreation facilities to a more inclusive living environment and a revamped MSU Union, there is a lot to look forward to for fall 2024! 

Auxiliary Sports Group: Recreational Sports and Fitness Services 

The Auxiliary Sports Group is getting fired up with the summer activities available to students and the latest changes coming to campus. 

Construction on the Student Recreation and Wellness Center is in full swing, with the steel frame of the building completed in early July. As the new facility's frame takes shape, Rec Sports team members and their partners in construction and design continue to incorporate student feedback into plans for the building's interior. 

The new facility is being constructed with the purpose of better fulfilling the mental and physical health needs of the Spartan community. The Student Recreation and Wellness Center addresses the need for improved fitness facilities and brings additional opportunities for students to campus via amenities, including sports simulators, a dedicated personal training suite and an Outdoor Adventure Center with a climbing wall.  

Staying Active this Summer! 
While the new center is under construction, summer intramural sports are always a great way for students still around East Lansing to stay connected and active while having some fun in the summer sun (or, in some cases, indoors away from the heat). Summer IM sports include tennis, Pickleball, sand volleyball, basketball, soccer and cornhole.  

Looking for Something Different? 
The MSU Sailing Center has been open for the season, among other things, hosting Learn to Sail classes. These classes are open to the public with discounted rates for MSU staff, students and alumni. The Sailing Center also has boats and boards for paddle sports available for rental.  

This unique facility is open to the public, and provides educational and recreational opportunities to the community. 

Culinary Services 

Culinary Services is cooking up several initiatives designed to elevate students’ on-campus dining experience, fostering a sense of community and well-being through a commitment to exceptional service, diverse culinary offerings and innovative approaches to food service. 

Team Training 
Team members are participating in comprehensive training to ensure the team is well-versed in all facets of equipment, safety standards and customer service.  

Global Grub 
Additionally, culturally diverse chefs have been developing various cultural cuisines, adding more authenticity to the preexisting menus. 

Experiential Combos and Meals Made Easy 
Diners should look out for the launch of experiential dining, a new program that will offer new, exciting ways for students to use Combo-X-Change. For added convenience, a new mobile order pickup venue at Brody will allow students to order on-the-go customized meals easier than ever.  

Farm to Fork 
Lastly, a video featuring the Student Organic Farm will soon be available that highlights the agricultural experience, from planting to harvest to the dining table. 

Planning and Projects Office (PPO) 

As the new academic year approaches, PPO has been diligently working behind the scenes to ensure a smooth and successful year for all Spartans. 

Keeping SLE Safe and Secure 
The SLE Safety and Security team has been fast at work this summer ensuring all buildings are prepared for the upcoming fall semester. The team has inspected equipment, provided training for staff and planned for potential emergencies. Additionally, Safety and Security is overseeing a life safety project at the MSU Union and conducting safety audits throughout SLE, while also staying on top of water infiltration issues and other safety concerns. 

A Busy Summer for SLE Project Management 
SLE Project Management has taken on hundreds of smaller projects this summer, handling tasks like painting, flooring and signage changes. The unit also been working closely with Infrastructure Planning and Facilities (IPF) on several larger projects, including nearing completion of the Multicultural Center, the ongoing construction of the Student Recreation and Wellness Center, and the renovation of Campbell Hall, which is scheduled to reopen in August 2025 and will become the new home of the MSU Honors College. 

Sustainability Efforts Continue in SLE 
The SLE Sustainability team has been working on several initiatives this summer, including conducting an audit of SLE buildings to identify potential lighting upgrades, providing sustainability re-training for Culinary Services staff, and establishing an eco-ambassador program. The team is also working to reestablish sustainable practices in dining areas and collaborating with MSU Sustainability on various programs. Additionally, Sustainability has been involved in planning for fall Pack Up. Pitch In. Move In. and student events focused on sustainability. 

Planning for the Future 
Planning is in every aspect of PPO’s role. Paul Manson leads this area and coordinates an annual long-range funding process and midyear process for SLE.  With assistance from SLE departments, PPO and SLE, he updates a database of thousands of deferred maintenance entries called the SLE Long-Range Asset Plan and produces long-range building repair and renovation plans for SLE improvements.   

Manson represents SLE and works with SLE departments and IPF on an annual update of 75 Facility Service Level Agreements (SLA), coordinates preventative maintenance agreements for SLE buildings and keeps SLE historical building data and is a liaison to IPF for Planning and Preventative Maintenance and general questions. 

Residence Education and Housing Services (REHS)  

The REHS team is dedicated to continuously improving students’ on-campus living experience. This summer, the teams focused on initiatives that promote inclusivity, streamline processes and enhance overall convenience. 

Racial Equity Impact Analysis Team (REIAT) 
In alignment with the REHS Strategic Plan, REIAT reconvened for the summer with the purpose of reviewing REHS Standard Operating Procedures through a diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging lens by applying a racial equity impact tool. This work helps create a more equitable and inclusive Spartan experience for everyone. 

Package Centers Project 
REHS is reviewing package centers, seeing if more can be consolidated or relocated to better serve the volume. The team is also considering adding Amazon lockers to Brody, Holden and Owen halls this academic year. 

Move-In and Fall Welcome  
The move-in team is a divisional group that coordinators all aspects of preparation for, and execution of, move-in and Fall Welcome functions. This year, the team is focusing on:  

  • Stronger partnerships: Working more closely with departments like the ID Office and IPF. 
  • Enhanced communication: Improving internal communication to ensure everyone is on the same page. 
  • Smoother event overlap: Coordinating large and small events that occur around move-in. 
  • Warmer welcome: Creating a more welcoming experience for incoming students. 

Summer Conferences  
Summer conferences always bring a sense of excitement to campus! The University Conferences team manages summer conference operations for the division. The team holds event meetings each week, coordinates summer conference information sharing, partners with many operational units across the division and campus, and provides critical event information. For each conference, Facilities oversees setting up and cleaning up both resident rooms and public/meeting spaces. Summer conference operations involve all REHS units in various roles.  

Facilities Projects for the Summer 
Campbell Hall is undergoing a major renovation, funded in part by the Honors College, to improve accessibility (ADA and gender-inclusive features), windows, roofs and the overall space. The remodel provides housing options for the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams employees, while Akers Hall will see a first phase of renovations tackling bathroom and ceiling updates, doubling occupancy and modernizing the look.   

REHS is committed to inclusivity by adding single-user, gender-inclusive restrooms in key residence halls. They are also piloting bidets in Case and Holmes halls, with plans to expand this option to other buildings, including the new Multicultural Center. Finally, a collaborative recycling and signage project is underway with SLE and IPF Sustainability. 

MSU Union 

The MSU Union is a central hub for campus activities. Throughout the summer, it has been undergoing renovations that enhance the Spartan experience. From dedicated reflection rooms to a refreshed history space, the MSU Union team is committed to providing a welcoming and versatile environment for all Spartans. 

Enhanced Spaces 
In collaboration with the Muslim Students Association, the MSU Union team has created multifunctional reflection rooms for students and the campus community on the third and fourth floors. Additionally, the MSU Union is looking into developing a reflection room on the first floor and installing ablution stations in the future, offering even greater convenience. 

Next, the historic Tower Room on the fourth floor is getting a refresh, including a new hard-surface floor, perfect for dance Registered Student Organizations. 

Outside the union, the Alumni Memorial Chapel has seen some changes too. The chapel’s "Bride" and “Groom" rooms have been transformed into more functional "Dressing" rooms, complete with new furniture. The dressing rooms will be further enhanced with artwork, which is still under selection.  

More to Come 
With the currently vacant space in what was the foodcourt, the MSU Union team is committed to further improvements that respond to students' needs and maximize the building’s potential. 


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